Bella's Blog


just do something with no research [ex. he took ping pong lessons at a random place]

if James set himself a firm goal to finish his novel, he would not have tried stand-up comedy, his inner compass was telling him to go in this direction. After trying comedy and wanting to go further, he said he wouldn't work on his novel.

don't really know what the Venn diagram of your interests will look like until you are there, doesn't mean quit your job, just experiment [in interests that make money now and make money later]

intersection of all your interests will make the most money

just good enough to know what's gonna happen at that intersection

mediocre at a lot of different things, never know if intersection will turn into huge opportunity even if pieces never made money, things aligned with values, intersection aligned with values, it's going to work out

around same time that he wrote, he invested

"I have some ideas to improve your sales [anything really] at this company. I'm not charging anything. I'm happy to talk to you guys or not, but here's 10 ideas. 10 ideas you could just have for free and they're uniquely catered to you. Knock yourselves out. See you later."

What could the company do better? Give them ideas.

"I love your articles. I would love to see you write these. I have described the articles completely."

When James did this, he got a writing gig.


Whitney schedules worry "You have two hours to worry about this in three weeks"

she also schedules making decisions about things since she has really bad decision fatigue

"How little do you respect yourself? How little do you respect your time?" when you are saying yes to things you don't want to do

People don't trust themselves when they do things they don't want to do