Bella's Blog

learning project: copywriting

Starting a new learning project…copywriting! My aim is to help the businesses I feel good about supporting [here in Salt Lake as well as remote] get more foot and internet traffic.

I’d like to help small biz-owners/startups that align with the topics I enjoy reading about in articles or listening to via podcast episodes:

-low-waste living

-green business

-sustainable travel

-local sustainable Salt Lake City spots

-local Salt Lake City zero-waste shops

-ethical travel

–futuristic technologies

-female-centered businesses

-women-owned zero-waste shops

-women-owned businesses

-“femtech” startups

-“sextech” startups

–virtual reality/augmented reality & language-learning startups

A possible future idea is to write for these companies and hone my persuasive writing skills. In my written rhetoric course in college, I learned to write in a persuasive tone, but it was never concrete. Desiring results quickly, I like the idea of direct-response over branding & closing a sale rapidly. So that I can help businesses solve problems faster for their buyers.

It took about two hours to do prep: sifting through courses on e-learning platforms such as Coursera, CreativeLive, and Udemy, finding recommended books from bloggers & writers that I admire. I chose my two instructional materials on Udemy, one specifically targeting direct-response copywriting skills & one on utilizing your genuine voice to generate tangible results from authentic copy creation. As well as those two online courses, I will be reading the books’ Spin-Selling,” “The No B.S. Guide to Direct-Response Marketing” and “The No B.S. Guide to Response Sales” by Dan Kennedy.

I reviewed what a great study routine is based on accelerated-learning strategies [spacing, practice, feedback loops], the Pomodoro technique as well as the 5 minute rule, refreshed my memory on what the Feynman technique is, & pinpointed where to pick up mini-projects to hone the macro/micro skills involved in copywriting. Each time I learn something new and need to practice it, I know how to practice it effectively, how to do feedback mechanisms efficiently, and write down concepts I don’t understand by doing ‘retrieval practice” or the “5-year-old method”

My ultimate aim is to have a little more freedom in my day so that I can reduce hours in my 9-5.