Bella's Blog

For Caroline Dooner, acting was a closed door for her and everything that was opening up was projects for "The Fuck-It Diet"

She said to herself: "I was supposed to figure it out" "It's supposed to be hard"

Question for myself: "What is draining you simply because you don't believe you're allowed to get rid of it?"

Caroline didn't feel like she deserved to be exhausted and hard on herself

Constantly completely little tasks are a behavioral addiction It's supposedly a noble distraction to be busy

Admit to myself: "Hey, I'm tired and this is why..."

Busyness is related to disordered eating because it's a productivity coping mechanism and this affects your relationship with food

I don't believe rest can do anything for me and don't deserve it because haven't done "anything" yet

Unexamined cultural, subconscious expectations is a part of burnout

Caroline Dooner only did two big things during her two years of rest: the "Fuck-It Diet" workshops and writing the book

Causes of burnout: self-esteem issues, not knowing how to do a thing, stressfully living at home, reflecting back on mistakes

Declutter the belief that I should spend every minute analyzing and being productive

Declutter "I should be doing XYZ every morning every day"

Declutter guilt and unexpected "shoulds"

Never allowed to just be: "I'm supposed to be doing more"

"It's not safe to relax"