Bella's Blog

Mind expects to not go deep because of influence of the Net for many years

Linear mind in all eras!

Imaginative mind - renaissance

Rational mind - enlightenment

Inventive mind - Industrial Revolution

Subversive mind - modernism

Shift from paper to screen influences degree of attention & the depth of immersion because there's a connection between tactile & visual.

Hyperlinks are not the same as footnotes because they don't just point, they propel us & scatter attention

The gray text page of a magazine is gone

Promotes hurried & distracted thinking & superficial learning

Scanning web pages over reading books

Texts over sentences & paragraphs

Hopping across links over contemplation

Neural circuits break apart

Brain recycles disused neurons & synapses for more pressing work

Different pattern when searching Net and when reading book-like text

Book readers - language, memory, visual processing [not much activity in prefrontal regions of decision-making & problem solving as opposed to experienced Net users]

When cognitive load exceeds processing, not able to retain the info or draw connections with info already stored in long-term memory [no new info into schemas]

Net - only small bit of info to long-term

Complex concepts = schemas [these concepts add depth to thinking because able to organize scattered thinking into patterns of knowledge]

Web's connections are not ours

Culture is in the mind, not outsourced in the machine like the Net

When the phone is in the pocket or purse, still interrupts