Bella's Blog

Particular patterns of data result in particular outcomes

8 sensory systems [includes interception which tells us if are are hungry "internal perception"]

Interception linked to how we feel emotions

Emotions made up of experiences, behaviors, psychological responses vs. feelings - conscious experience of emotions, comprehend sensations reside outside emotions

Somatic - body

Body-based marker ---- 'somatic-marker hypothesis' [mark options for decision with emotions]

Soma = based in body

Without emotions, trouble deciding

Emotions are similar to intuition but....unconscious info in brain via bodily interoceptive sensations

Repeated exposures = intuition

Not just marking a response without EMOTION, but tapping into unconscious learning = intuition

Interception is a way to find out unconscious learning

Interception is a way to find out unconscious learning

Because of interception, we feel intuition in gut, chest, tips of fingers, sinking feeling

Self-awareness is first rule

'Emotional misattribution' - strong positive emotion is not good, medium positive

Decline in emotional intelligence?

Early life experience is an indicator of emotional intelligence & awareness [and genes]

Developing emotional awareness component is best done through mindfulness [this is important for intuition]

Mood Meter App

See where you are in the meter so that you don't use your intuition

Induce immediate change of state in order to use your intuition

mastery: bad experience ---- neurons, process trigger emotional parts of brain

No useful associations so no intuition

Short gaps & short outcomes

Tight feedback loops

Brain change itself when you fail & when you make a lot of errors with one thing & then switch

Errors shock signal to brain, gets ready to change itself

Trick it into learning the @nd thing but errors in first thing

20% failure rate sweet spot

Sting is gone, progressive learning can happen

'Variable reward schedules'

Why is game learning different? [failures are rewarding, paying attention to source of errors speeds up learning]

Associative learning behind intuition, also SURPRISE!!!

'learning consolidation' immediately & when sleeping, napping after practice!!

Practicing too long is not good, 20 minutes to start

Uncertainty & fear is instinct

Learned & adaptable is intuition

Instincts is innate

Instincts are out of date

Instincts and Intuition can feel the same!

Cravings aren't intuition

Eating & scrolling [tap into brain's reward system]

Not the same positive sensations that intuition gives

Intuition Checklist:

S. M. I. L. E.

In a situation, note down a familiar environment, if it's a short feedback loop, the decision, the options, the state I am in, location of sensations, strength of sensation, choice, outcome [feeling of choice/surprised?]

Feel fewer surprises - how you get better at intuition?

Intuition more useful - when time is more limited [time-pressure!]

Non-decomposable - good for intuition & can't be broken down

Uncertainty/incomplete info/not logical with time frame

Non-binding & see how you feel then reverse it

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