Bella's Blog

  1. Continue

  2. Start

Continuing and starting is one idea

Just have to continue!

If you really have to act and you don't know what to do, choose a RANDOM direction

The content of a decision is unimportant once you've decided it's the right one

Make thought as light as possible

People of action: have no idea what they are doing really

When acting, the joy is in surprising ourselves [discovering what is possible because of acting & what that action reveals about ourselves]


When we don't know what to do next, that's when we are really lost, not when we don't know where we are!

By not trying to achieve goals, we can easily reach them so there's no reason to be paralyzed by a goal

Francois Roustang's special way of meditating: “To suspend his thought entirely, Roustang uses three exercises: the first consists of fixing his gaze on a limited part of an object-for example, the point of a pencil, the handle of a cup, or the pattern of a cushion. The aim is to isolate what you’re looking at from its context, banishing everything else into the background haze. In the second exercise you transport yourself in your imagination to somewhere you love, in the country, or in the town, or the mountains, it doesn’t matter where, as long as it’s a place you associate with pleasant feelings. In the third, you use language in a nonsensical way. This is the most unsettling exercise. “This is a strange exerpeince because it’s expressed in absurdities: ‘Take a path you don’t know, to reach an unknown place, to do something you’re incapable of doing.” Phrases like this, though apparently meaningless and highly risky, once hard and put into practice open up a space of freedom and pleasure, where existence can be renewed.” Using language in this way means you can’t visualize anything precise, and this is exactly the point of the exercise: to reestablish a sense of the possible. Not by having a very clear goal or image, but by accepting confusion and vagueness….anyone who hopes to find a way to act and to reinvent themselves should not start by fixing clear goals, but rather should start in a floating, indeterminate state, in a fog, which will allow action to take shape”

Start with comfort if you want to resolve problem, then think. By not intervening, your problem is resolved. Renounce solving problem directly (no discipline!)

Hypnosis - ridding self of problems, bring it back to its fundamental substance which is BEING ALIVE!

Real change - no point in thinking, MOVEMENT IS SUFFICIENT!

Roustang's "mystique of the cafe waiter" [he doesn't think of the drinks on the tray he just shouts 'coming through!']

2 kinds of people:

  1. Aim for goal with any means necessary

  2. No thinking about goal

Technique vs. intuition

Intention ---- action step ----action


Marry intention & execution & action happens

Absorbed in action which makes you forget who you are, you feel most yourself

Greeks - potential to act is what growth is [it's a natural movement] you don't have to suffer when you are growing