Bella's Blog

Pg. 56: "Your job is to take the time to read, observe, and study your chosen category to the point where you understand its native language. You should be able to hear the nuances in how people communicate, know which formats have become tried and true, and most importantly, name the dominant writers within the category you are aiming to surpass"

Pg 58: "The secret to creating a unique writing style is by doing what would be considered "unexpected" in your chosen category"

In order to find out my writing style and where I sit on the Writing Spectrum, start writing, publishing, gathering data, practice in public, and study The Ladder of my chosen category

Pg 63: the internet moves fast, reflect on the role "speed" can play in your writing style, in the context of your chosen category. Maybe it's better in your chosen cateogory to go slower

Pg. 66: the importance of "niching down"

My category is learning, skill-learning, BUT skill-learning for self-learners is still too broad

"Rapid skill-learning for aspiring writers and self-learners" is more specific

Pg 67: when you refine the specific category you are in, you can bring that specificity into the writing ITSELF"

I can say, "Learning how to learn a skill effectively is a great way to get better at writing"

Pg 68: ask yourself a better question which is, "Could this be more specific?" This is better than seeing how you can be better than your competition [RESONATE WITH YOUR TARGET READER INSTEAD OF LOOKING TO THE COMPETITION]

"I write about accelerated learning techniques for aspiring writers and people interested in acquiring SPECIFIC skills" [I CAN PUT THIS IN MY BIO]

What makes Isabella credible?



Pg 81: How to Create a Category

First I get:


-high performing topic areas [based on data]

-where I sit on the writing spectrum

How?: by matching different audiences/genres/writing styles

Audience x Genre:

Examples of mine:

utopian fiction for sustainability-minded writers

Journal fiction for self-learners

Journal fiction for sustainability-minded writers

Short stories of self-learning for accelerated-learners

Short stories of sustainability-minded topics for sustainable writers

Genre x Genre: [MY FAVORITE]

Examples of mine:

Utopian fiction with journal fiction

Utopian fiction with language-learning how-to

Dating/sex culture genre with fiction genre

Dating/sex culture genre with journal fiction

Sustainable lifestyle how-to genre with journal fiction

Offline/focus/creativity with short-story genre

Offline/focus/creativity with journal fiction

Learning how to write with short-story genre

Sustainable lifestyle how-to with offline/focus/creativity culture

Audience/Genre x Tone:

This one I am confused about

People get to see you as a semi-expert in your new category

Don't spend too much time reading other writers

Growth hacks and other tactics don't matter if you aren't consistently writing and publishing

6 months to gather data on your most popular categories

"Content Buckets"

For example:

Industry: edTech

Position: writer

Personal interest: stories and lessons from my experiences skill-learning languages and piano

Experiment with genres to see what sticks



Reproductive rights/cycle tracking or femtech/sextech/female pleasure

Sex education

Sustainable education

Sustainable skills education

Zero-Waste Lifestyle

Sustainable Transportation

Aspiring writer

Language-learning through music

Attention economy

Offline lifestyle

Free-range kids


Write what you want to write and what others want [life lessons]

Optimize what people want to read and introduce people to a passion project

Do what the top writers in your category are doing and do it more consistently [they tell you what they do]

Question what a creator does

Use symbols and blocks and subheads

Imitate my favorite writers by doing exercises to make my writing like theirs

Create personal stories with a high rate of revelation

Pg 135: "Hashtag Stacking" Pg 134: "Engagement Hacking"